[ubuntu-uk] UK Web Hosting-OSS recommendations, please??

Eddie Armstrong eddie_armstrong at ntlworld.com
Thu Jan 31 12:32:41 GMT 2008

Kris Douglas wrote:
> We have alsorts of linux based hosting services, what kind of thing
> are you interested in? (we're based in staffordshire)
Kris I trtied your website twice and got this
*' Bandwidth Limit Exceeded *

Best regards,
Your Servage.net <http://www.servage.net/> team'

What I want is exemplified in the link I provided
Cheap, reliable,  start small/basic can expand and include plone moodle 
cpanel? etc as required
I'm a beginner at this and want to start small and for personal use and 
grow a service, maybe develop a business in time.
At this stage also I would like to look at various offerings and compare.
I am especially interested in recommendations from satisfied customers 
on this list

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