[ubuntu-uk] "Could not Calculate the Upgrade" -- help needed please

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Wed Jan 30 11:22:21 GMT 2008

Hi Louis,

On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 11:20:07AM +0000, Louis Gidney wrote:
> Anyway, I then click on Partial Upgrade. Enter my
> administration password. Then after a few moments up
> comes the message:
> // \\
> *C**ould not Calculate the Upgrade*
> [ X Close ]
> \\ //

Can you please try this:-

Applications --> Accessories --> Terminal.
In the box type this commmand:-

	sudo apt-get update

Then this one:-

	sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

And paste the results of those commands in your reply to this mail?


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