[ubuntu-uk] OpenSSI on Ubuntu (with LTSP thrown in for goodmeasure)

Ian Pascoe softy.lofty.ilp at btinternet.com
Tue Jan 29 20:59:14 GMT 2008

Hi Rob

I have desperately been trying to find an article I read last month that
would seem to fit your ideal nicely Rob and also keep the geek in you

The project was based on LTSP and worked in a kinda clustering sort of way.
If memory serves each client on the network as it had spare CPU capacity
would allow some of this capacity to be used to bolster up the main
servers - obviously the clients being proper PCs together with a high
bandwidth interconnect.

It may well have been as a result of a posting here as I have a nagging
suspision that it was detailed somewhere on schoolforge.net, or similar.

I'll have some lubrication later on tonight and see if the grey cells can be
bullied into working.


-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-uk-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
[mailto:ubuntu-uk-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com]On Behalf Of Tony Travis
Sent: 29 January 2008 17:12
To: British Ubuntu Talk
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] OpenSSI on Ubuntu (with LTSP thrown in for

Rob Beard wrote:
> [...]
> I've found details on OpenSSI which appears to support LTSP on Fedora
> Core 3 although the details are a bit lacking.  I was wondering if
> anyone had had a play around with OpenSSI on Ubuntu, and even better
> OpenSSI and LTSP on the same installation of Ubuntu?

Hello, Rob.

OpenSSI is intended to make a group of systems look like one system (SSI
means Single System Image). The idea is that the group is managed and
used as one system. I use openMosix for a similar purpose on a 92-node
Beowulf cluster under Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS. However, this is a 2.4 kernel,
with no SATA support. The deb's are available here if you're interested:


I'm evaluating alternatives to openMosix at present, because there has
been an end-of-life announcement for openMosix. Moshe Bar, the founder
of the openMosix project, has decided to end the project because he
believes that large SMP machines eliminate the need for SSI clusters.
Not everyone agrees with him about that...

I'm particularly interested in Kerrighed as an alternative:


I think you might find that a DNS 'round-robin' and a server farm fits
your requirements better than SSI. The problem with SSI is the process
migration overhead on a single 'login' server. You also have to bear in
mind that not all processes can be migrated.

Dr. A.J.Travis,                     |  mailto:ajt at rri.sari.ac.uk
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