[ubuntu-uk] OpenSSI on Ubuntu (with LTSP thrown in for good measure)

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Tue Jan 29 15:41:22 GMT 2008

Hi folks,

I'm involved with a project to get an LTSP installation in a local  
community centre (I think I may have posted something about it last  

Anyway, one of the guy's who is involved with the project mentioned  
about setting up some sort of clustering so that the burden of running  
multiple clients can be spread over two or more machines.

I've found details on OpenSSI which appears to support LTSP on Fedora  
Core 3 although the details are a bit lacking.  I was wondering if  
anyone had had a play around with OpenSSI on Ubuntu, and even better  
OpenSSI and LTSP on the same installation of Ubuntu?


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