[ubuntu-uk] Need to convert dv files into vob files in kino

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Mon Jan 28 11:34:17 GMT 2008

On Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 09:36:16AM +0000, Javad Ayaz wrote:
> Im using Kino for editing some vob files. After i edit the files remain DV
> files. How can i these converted to vob files?

I don't see an option to do it in Kino itself. The export option has 
multiple formats including h264, ogg, mpeg4 and xvid but vob isn't listed.

The File -> Save As dialog also doesn't list vob (on the version I have 

However there is a nice tool called "devede" which I just installed. I 
clicked "add" on the top right and pointed it at a video file i had handy. I 
then chose "only convert film files to compliant mpeg files" then clicked 
"forward". It's now chugging away.

However you might be interested to know that a vob file is mainly just an 
mpeg2 video.. note from the VOB page on wikipedia..

"If the VOB file extension is changed from .vob to an MPEG-2 type file 
extension such as .mpg or .mpeg, the file is still readable and continues to 
hold all information, although most MPEG-2-capable players don't support 
subtitle tracks."


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