[ubuntu-uk] SSH question

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Sat Jan 12 14:23:53 GMT 2008

On Sat, Jan 12, 2008 at 12:56:30PM +0000, Stephen Garton wrote:
> Hi Al,
> On 12/01/2008, Alan Pope <alan at popey.com> wrote:
> > On Sat, Jan 12, 2008 at 09:13:56AM +0000, Stephen Garton wrote:
> > > On a box at home, I have ssh running on a non-specific high numbered
> > > port. Is it possible to also have it (ssh) listen on port 22, but
> > > limit it to computers on the local network?
> > >
> >
> > Why also have it on 22? Why not just edit ~/.ssh/config and add a line like
> > this:-
> >
> > Host box
> >  Port 2222
> >
> > (or whatever the hostname and port number is)
> >
> I do/did. When I had (continuing your example) Port 2222 on it's own
> in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (please let me know if this is not the one I
> should be using, as it is the one I have stored in my notes that are a
> year or two old on how to use ssh!) Tomboy reported it couldn't
> contact the host.

I am talking about the client not the server. Put that line in ~/.ssh/config 
on the _client_ and that tells it what port the server uses.

> > > The reason for asking is that I'd like to do things like synchronise
> > > my tomboy notes over ssh, but there is nowhere in tomboy (that I can
> > > find) to configure the port for the add-in.
> > >
> >
> > I do the above for exactly this reason.
> >
> Sorry, I think I'm lost. Will tomboy sync over ssh when a non-standard
> port is used?

Yes. On my server I have /etc/ssh/sshd_config set to 2222, on my client I 
have ~/.ssh/config set to tell my client what port the server is on. Job 
done. It works.


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