[ubuntu-uk] Avi file + firefox

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Wed Jan 9 11:07:23 GMT 2008

On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 10:15:05PM +0000, Javad Ayaz wrote:
> I was wondering if someone could explain this to me....i drag and dropped an
> avi file into firefox and it started playing?
> What is going on?

Firefox has a system of plugins which allow it to render various rich media 
such as pictures, streamed video and audio and so on. If you ask firefox to 
open a supported file type it will farm this request off to one of those 
plugins. In this case it's probably the totem browser plugin or perhaps 
mplayer depending on which you have installed.

It's nice when these things just work :) Even if it is unexpected.


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