[ubuntu-uk] Samba problems.

Colin Humphrey c.humphrey_00 at hotmail.co.uk
Sun Jan 6 12:18:46 GMT 2008

'what's wrong how can I fix it'

Hi there!!

Just a few things,

- Can you see your linux box in your XP's network neighborhood?
- You may need to create an entry in the lmhosts file.
- Have you tried to locate your linux box using windows' search function (either by ip 
  or  computer name).
- Have you tried commands like 'nmblookup -A computer name/ip address'. 
- You could try to check whether ports 137(default port) or 445 are open using   

I had a similar prob but after a bit of googling and  t-shooting  I now have a basic share working.  My problem was that I could  see the linux machine in the windows work group but not connect to it.

I cannot speak with great authority on SAMBA but I would say that my entry in lmhosts as per attached link and following instructions in the other tutorials/guides helped.  Just as in windows you have to select and 'share' a folder so to in linux.


http://handsonhowto.com/2007/what-is-samba/  # link about config file
http://instantbadger.blogspot.com/2006/07/xp-home-client-linux-domain-controller.html #above link about lmhosts

p.s.  I can browse from xp to linux but have not yet tried linux to xp //no time.
Also I am not sure how secure you want the share to be - but I hope that helps. 

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