[ubuntu-uk] The "I'm Linux" Video Contest

David King linuxman at avoura.com
Mon Dec 22 00:20:44 GMT 2008

Considering that anyone can make a video and put it on You Tube (unless 
it was illegal or something that You Tube had to remove as it was 
against their policy), then I think it would be a great idea if everyone 
tried to make a video (if they can) and post it to You Tube to promote 
Linux in general or just Ubuntu, and then post the link to your video 
here on the Ubuntu UK list and elsewhere.

I think that kind of video making to promote Linux will go further than 
just picking one winner in a competition. Besides, I have no desire to 
visit Japan.

David King

Tim Powys-Lybbe wrote:
> In message of 21 Dec, "Christopher Swift" <chris.r.swift at googlemail.com>
> wrote:
> <snip>
>> In short, the Linux foundation have started a contest for a video
>> advert/commercial. The video has to represent GNU/Linux in some way and can
>> even be specific to Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSUSE, Fedora etc.
>>  The terms are that you must be 18 and represent Linux in some way. They
>> must also be 60 seconds or less.
>> More info here:
>> http://video.linuxfoundation.org/category/video-category/-linux-foundation-video-contest
> Admitted that there is no money for advertising within the Linux world.
> So what is going to be done with this video?  It can't be put on the TV
> channels as that costs big bucks.  Or have some channels indicated thay
> will give free air-time?
> Or will it just end up on U-tube?
> And who will own the winning item?

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