[ubuntu-uk] Window border corruption & other problems with Compiz

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 18:24:37 GMT 2008

2008/12/5 Tony Travis <ajt at rri.sari.ac.uk>:
> Liam Proven wrote:
>> [...]
>> Ouch. I have my machine set to sleep when the lid is closed, so this
>> doesn't happen. I don't like running laptops with the lid shut, even
>> when using an external screen - it often can cause overheating
>> problems, in my experience.
> Hello, Liam.
> I've found that laptop screens have quite a short life, so I use my
> laptop with an external monitor and keyboard most of the time when I'm
> at work or at home. I do use the LCD display when I'm travelling, or if
> there is something interesting on TV ;-)

What on earth do you do to them?

The screen of my heavily-used Thinkpad i1200 series from 2001 is still
100% despite a broken screen hinge. My once heavily-used Thinkpad 701C
from 1995 is also still absolutely fine.

I've seen many laptop screens die through being broken, mainly by
people closing them with things in them or dropping them, but I've
only ever seen *one* that's worn out due to screen burn in 20y in the
IT business. That, alas, was an eBay purchase for a friend of mine &
I've no idea what the former owner did to it, but he was a rather
dishonest seller - what was described as a Powerbook G4 in good nick
was absolutely knackered and clapped out.

> In fact, it's as much to save the keyboard as the LCD screen: I've
> already worn the 'A' key off my laptop keyboard. The Asus DV5000 is an
> 'entertainment' PC, really, but it also performs quite well doing
> scientific work :-)

Worn keycaps, yes, I've seen that. I treat it as a security measure.
Only noobs need to look at the keyboard, :¬)

> Hmm... along these lines - Anyone on the list using Ubuntu on a PS3?

Not a chance. Too expensive and I'm not interested in HDTV or Bluray.
Nice toy but it does nothing I want. Instead I just bought a 2nd hand
PS2, cheaply, precisely *because* it Just Works and needs no
installation, setup, fiddling, drivers, configuration or anything

Liam Proven • Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/liamproven
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut: lproven at gmail.com
Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 • Cell: +44 7939-087884 • Fax: + 44 870-9151419
AOL/AIM/iChat: liamproven at aol.com • MSN/Messenger: lproven at hotmail.com
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