[ubuntu-uk] Window border corruption & other problems with Compiz

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 16:20:37 GMT 2008

2008/12/5 Alan Pope <alan at popey.com>:
> Hi Liam
> (recognising you from cix days of yore by the way)

8¬) Oh, hello! Good to bump into you again!

>>  - I had to use the nVidia-settings applet to set up the screens; the
>> Ubuntu displays control panel seems unaware I have 2 monitors.
> Using twinview?

Yes, that's right.

> Can you post your xorg.conf somewhere so we can see it?
> http://popey.com/~alan/xorg.conf is mine if it's any use for reference.


I'll reply separately with the xorg.conf file.

I did encounter a problem that I couldn't save my settings from the
nvidia tool, but that's a fairly well-known issue - it affects Linux
Mint as well, for example - and I found an answer with Google. (Remove
the existing xorg.conf and the nvidia program writes a new one.)

Liam Proven • Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/liamproven
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut: lproven at gmail.com
Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 • Cell: +44 7939-087884 • Fax: + 44 870-9151419
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