[ubuntu-uk] Swindon school asks for ubuntu help

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Tue Dec 2 13:21:12 GMT 2008

I see in the edubuntu users list that there is a request for initial 
help from a school in Swindon - they are considering starting to use 
ubuntu (edubuntu)

edubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com

I have also pointed them to this uk list, although anyone in this list 
who is in th eSwindon area might like to be aware?

[extract from edubuntu list]
 >> I have talked to the schools
 >> senior leaders and the network manager here and people are certainly
 >> interested in the school clients/servers being switched to open 
 >> (for cost reasons initially). In fact, I'm slowly introducing the 
 >> to staff and students already.
 >> The network manager and I would love to come by to meet up with 
 >> on this list to discuss feasibility. Can you let me know when the 
 >> such event is happening? We would need a fair bit of help getting
 >> ourselves skilled up and we would be regular posters on this list.
[end extract]
alan cocks
Ubuntu user #10391
Linux user #360648

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