[ubuntu-uk] network backup

Dave Walker DaveWalker at ubuntu.com
Fri Aug 15 18:21:46 BST 2008

ptaylor wrote:
> hi
> any ideas,
> i want to backup my laptop to my desktop, ie, a direct hdd and partiton 
> backup over the wifi and ethernet,
> i just tried partimage with partimage-server on my desktop, and couldnt 
> get it working,
> any suggestions, preferably ncurses or gui please.
> <SNIP>
Hi Philip,

Any reason you want a byte-by-byte backup, isn't backing up the 
filesystem enough?

In my opinion using an incremental filesystem backup tool such as 
rsnapshot (console based), or sbackup (GUI) leaves greater flexibility.

However, if you really want a byte level backup, _I_ would use a livecd 
(as i would prefer not to have the filesystem mounted) and 'dd' and 
something like:

$ sudo umount /dev/sda1 # check it's unmounted

$ sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 | ssh ptaylor at "cat > ~/sda1.img"  # copy it over ssh to your other PC (as i expect you don't have enough RAM to store the whole partition :)


Kind Regards,
Dave Walker

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