[ubuntu-uk] Help gord fix his stupid blog

Gordon Allott gordallott at gmail.com
Sat Aug 9 20:10:10 BST 2008

Okay so I have a blog, its on wordpress.com as I don't have any hosting 
setup to speak of (I'm not a web developer, I use flickr to host images, 
and wordpress to host blog, that's all I need, I don't use either enough 
to justify a whole hosting setup).
Basically the rss feed that goes to the planet (see: 
http://gordallott.wordpress.com/category/ubuntu/feed/) is broken, I 
don't know how, it just started happening one day. the feed 'validates' 
fine (see: 
  but the ubuntu-uk planet does not like it for some reason (see: 
http://planet.ubuntu-uk.org/ - I'm the giant cat that breaks the layout..)

I have tried every button I can think of, I googled and found next to 
nothing, I tried changing the theme, I made sure there were no silly 
'widgets' added. At this point all I can think of doing is either 
switching to another blog system which isn't ideal as they have horrid 
things like requiring all content to be (C) them, getting a host and 
setting up wp or something there or just not doing the blog thing.

Suggestions welcome...
Gord Allott (gordallott at gmail.com)

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