[ubuntu-uk] Age and gender

Gordon Allott gordallott at gmail.com
Thu Aug 7 15:47:52 BST 2008

London School of Puppetry wrote:
> In a conversation recently someone said to me that Ubuntu is only for
> techies.....and blokes at that- and young blokes at that!

We get all shapes and sizes in the ubuntu community, from the 13 year 
old to the 70 year old we have them all. And i think its the fact that 
we do get all shapes and sizes that matters, we have more guys than 
gals, that's obvious but it doesn't really matter as long as everyone is 
welcome and no one is put off (hopefully!)

> are there lots of middle-aged females out there?

you may wish to look at ubuntu-women.org team, they aim to help 
encourage women into linux/ubuntu, you can also find them on irc in 
#ubuntu-women and they have a mailing list too 

Gord Allott (gordallott at gmail.com)

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