[ubuntu-uk] Idea- Torrents!

Sean Miller sean at seanmiller.net
Tue Apr 29 14:42:20 BST 2008

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 2:40 PM, Javad Ayaz <javadayaz at gmail.com> wrote:

> maybe a "torrents only" could be looked for a future ubuntu...where when
> yu shut the pc...everything shuts down bar whatever is needed (i.e CPU
> running at 10% of normal power consumption mode)!!!? :)

If you run a command line torrent client rather than a graphical client I'm
pretty sure that if the laptop "hibernates" that will keep running in the
background already.

I'm FAIRLY sure this is the case - sure somebody else on here would be able
to correct me if I'm wrong.

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