[ubuntu-uk] possible to install ubuntu like gentoo?

Farran Lee fazzy.baboon at ntlworld.com
Thu Apr 17 16:35:50 BST 2008

On Thu, 2008-04-17 at 16:27 +0100, Andrew Oakley wrote:

> Farran wrote:
> > I did actually run a memtest for almost a whole day, passing 8 times 
> > with no errors
> Therefore I would strongly suspect your CPU is overheating. When most 
> modern CPUs overheat, they automatically slow themselves down to avoid 
> permanent damage.
> When the PC crashes, immediately reboot into BIOS and check the CPU 
> temperature. A typical temperature would be in the 45-55c range. 
> Anything over 55c may or may not mean you have a problem. Anything 
> approaching 70c is very suspicious. Over 70c may cause permanent damage 
> in the long run.
> Try booting up with the case open and check that the CPU fan is rotating 
> and is not obstructed. Also check the airflow through the case (eg. dust 
> lumps accumulating in the front or back grilles), and check the airflow 
> through the PSU (many machines rely on the PSU fan to suck air through 
> the case).
> If your BIOS supports overclocking, check that it is using 
> non-overclocked settings. Again, if your BIOS supports CPU fan speed 
> settings, check that the BIOS CPU fan setting isn't on super-slow. Or, 
> just reset your BIOS to factory defaults - the "take off and nuke the 
> site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure" option.
> If you replace/re-fit your CPU fan, ensure you use some silicone grease 
> to get a good heat transfer contact between the CPU and the heatsink 
> (but don't coat everything with grease, that'll prevent airflow - only 
> the bit where the CPU touches the heatsink). Most CPU fans come with a 
> sticky pad of grease already fitted, but if yours has worn thin, buy a 
> tiny tube of silicone grease from Maplins or similar for about 2 quid. 
> If the fan or heatsink is gunked up, use a screwdriver to unscrew the 
> fan from the heatsink before cleaning. If the fan is gunked up, consider 
> replacing the whole CPU+heatsink anyway, no matter how well you clean it 
> (since the fan blades will most likely be unbalanced now).
> As Matt said, it's most likely either overheating, or the hard drive is 
> knackered. It's difficult to check the hard drive without wiping the 
> data already on it, so the best thing to do is to eliminate RAM and 
> overheating first. Clattering noises or excessive whine sounds are 
> symptoms of knackered hard drives, but not always.
> To test the drive without wiping it, find a spare second-hand drive, 
> disconnect your original drive, and install Ubuntu on the spare drive. 
> If the spare drive works much better than the original, your original is 
> dying.
> Next I'd consider your graphics card. If you have a non-onboard graphics 
> card, try replacing it with a known-good spare. Also consider 
> overheating on the graphics card.
> Finally, if everything else is fine, then your motherboard is probably 
> b0rked, sorry (rare, but I have seen it happen twice in 20 years).
> -- 
> Andrew Oakley

Johnathon: just realised I hadn't tried command line. have now and it's
in progress :D thanks

Andrew: All 3 fans work, BIOS is set to optimised defaults (as of this
morning), and ALL the hardware is new (Christmas) bar 2 cd drives and a
floppy. I've hunted around online a bit and lots of people have had
problems with the same motherboard. Graphics card is nVidia 8600GTS
1024mb memory, peak temperature around 50 degrees.


Farran Lee
I'm only 15 :P
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