[ubuntu-uk] Episode 3 of Ubuntu UK Podcast is now out

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Tue Apr 8 13:48:55 BST 2008

On Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 01:02:37PM +0100, Colin McCarthy wrote:
>    On 4/8/08, Alan Pope <[1]alan at popey.com> wrote:
>      [2]http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2008/04/07/s01e03-help-me/
>    Good discussion on CLI vs GUI.  I am on the fence a bit and see the
>    benefits of both.  But I know that it's sometimes easier to help someone
>    via IRC/email/forum via the CLI.  And that's how I have been helped in the
>    past (and probably future) :-)


>    The first three episodes have come out pretty quickly.  Is there going to
>    be a regualar-ish release schedule?

Target is every two weeks, release on a Tuesday. So far we've managed to 
release a little early thanks to Tonys fast editing skills, and the real 
team effort in getting the mirrors synced and the website updated.

There are of course things in peoples calendars we need to work around, but 
for now, every two weeks seems to be do-able.


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