[ubuntu-uk] Document Storage

Dave Walker DaveWalker at ubuntu.com
Sun Sep 16 15:56:09 BST 2007

On Sun, 2007-09-16 at 12:10 +0100, Ian Pascoe wrote:
> Morning Folks
> In the list's opinion which is the best way to store documents?
> In particular, as my own filing system is, well non existant, I was thinking
> about scanning all necessary documents and then storing them eithre to HD or
> CD / DVD.
> I've been trying to work out in my own mind what would be the better way to
> store these scanned documents that will maintain the clarity and be of
> minimal size.

Hi Ian,

I have been looking into the same possibility over the last few months.
Personally i would recommend PDF as it is easily accessible and a good
file size with ~300dpi.

One method of retrieval I did consider was http based searching with the
scanned image OCR'd,  this would allow $filename.pdf and $filename.txt.
The later containing the 'best effort' of OCR.  The web interface could
search the txt's for keywords and link to the corresponding PDF's.

Currently I have automated the scan process producing a PDF and an OCR'd
txt file.  If I find time this week, I will try and work on it further -
and maybe create a project on launchpad hosting the source.

Kind Regards
Dave Walker
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