[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu jobs

Chris Rowson christopherrowson at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 09:27:16 BST 2007

> Chris Rowson wrote:
> > It's not what you've got, it's what you do with it that counts ;-)
> >
> Right now I'm not doing much with it (Perl, most web technologies but
> not Java, sometimes sysadmin, and occasional C/Bash/Awk/Sed....), due to
> lack of gainful employment.  Until this changes, I'm open to suggestions
> that will benefit Ubuntu and utilize my skill set.

I was being a wee bit flippant ;-)

To be fair though - availability of gainful employment seems to depend
somewhat on your skillset and how much you're willing to work for. For
instance - I'm not currently working in a techie role, after being
asked to work within different role instead. I might be a techie at
heart, but being able to turn my hand to another role helped keep me
in a job in the IT dept.

I thought about what you said re lack of gainful employment, so just
did a quick employment search on http://base.google.co.uk/

Admittedly, given that Linux is my 'second language' if you like, I
wasn't looking for Linux jobs in particular, but having had some
Microsoft training I can always fall back on that. Looking around
there seemed to be a few jobs for people with those kind of skills.

Do you think that perhaps the reason you're finding it hard finding a
job could be because you want something very specific. There are a few
jobs out there for web developers, are you looking for something



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