[ubuntu-uk] Advice for the future

Michael Holloway michael at thedarkwinter.com
Wed Oct 17 23:10:42 BST 2007

On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 21:15 +0100, Jai Harrison wrote:
> I've just had an argument with my guardian about doing A levels next
> year instead of going to a third-rate University that will lead to my
> eventual curricular failure. It seems all of the good universities
> won't accept me without a maths qualification (only the bad ones
> require just a C in maths) and that there's no way into them after I
> finish this course. I should never have taken a BTEC... what a great
> way to waste my life.
> What do I do now? Take a third-rate University and end up with a
> qualification that's not worth the paper it's written on or take an A
> level whilst living on the streets?

Welcome to life mate!!!

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