[ubuntu-uk] UK Project Proposal (Sight Village)
alan c
aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Fri Oct 5 10:28:25 BST 2007
Ian Pascoe wrote:
> Hi y'all
> Before I ask for Popey's help to put this onto his Ideas Pool, I
> thought I'd run it by the list and see what your feed back was.
> Every year the Queen Alexandra College for the Blind in Birmingham
> runs an exhibition called Sight Village, which is the "leading"
> technology showcase for the bisually impaired and associated
> support groups throughout Europe - these groups being both
> Government bodies and local / national / international charities.
> What I was thinking of doing was running a stand there for the
> three days - starting Tues 15/07/08 I think - demonstrating Ubuntu
> together with it's Assistive Technologies in use.
Great idea!
A background scenario might be of interest:
a) RNIB (as a major institution in the scene) is apparently very non
Open Source. I have previously contacted them as a potential volunteer
helper - for open source (Free) and Linux. I do not think they even
knew what I was talking about, even the Computer related person.
b) RNIB is said to be a very rich organisation. Saving money may be
something they as an institution see in their own special way.
c) My contact with RNIB suggested they naturally use a level of
bureaucracy you might expect from a vary large well off organisation,
who also use many volunteers too. The formality seemed much higher
than with Age Concern for example. Associated with the formality and
bureaucracy may be a certain inflexibility and resistance to change.
d) When on the Microsoft Campus in Berkshire (for Age Concern events,
a couple of occasions) I became aware of the AbilityNet organisation
http://www.abilitynet.org.uk/ who are -located- in one of the main
Microsoft buildings, apparently heavily funded by the company.
[extract quote] 'AbilityNet’s links with Microsoft, IBM, Hewlett
Packard, BT and other major IT companies put us in a very strong
position to make sure the voices of disabled people are heard. We aim
to lead the way in providing effective interventions using the latest
Comment: One can easily understand that there is a strong tradition
for and also a strong expectation of proprietary software at all
levels - organisations and end users.
e) Blind people I have come across *are* very keen to save money! And
very interested in alternatives. They would obviously need a bit more
support that other new Ubuntu users.
The Sight Village event would be a major marketing showpiece for us. A
very alien territory, with a tradition probably of users being even
more reliant that usual upon proprietary companies.
Can I remind ourselves that press and media coverage will be important
to stimulate and foster?
In principle I would like to and be able to attend and or contribute,
although the far date will need confirmation closer to the event.
(Particularly finding a suitable car park for our small motorhome, and
us, to reside unobtrusively for the duration).
alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391
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