[ubuntu-uk] Small TFT monitors....

Tony Travis ajt at rri.sari.ac.uk
Tue Oct 2 12:11:20 BST 2007

Mark Harrison wrote:
> Hi all,
> Slightly odd question.
> I have a couple of servers in my dressing room (yes, yes, I know....)
> Most of the time, everything works fine over SSH, but once in a while, I 
> need to take a keyboard / monitor to them.
> I wondered whether anyone knew of a SMALL TFT screen (like 7-8") that 
> would take standard VGA/SVGA and let me display a console. (There is no 
> GUI on either of these machines, so I don't need high resolution, just 
> small size.)
> Any ideas?

Hello, Mark.

I'm interested in this too, but I've not decided which to buy. try a 
Google 'product' search e.g.:


Best wishes,

Dr. A.J.Travis,                     |  mailto:ajt at rri.sari.ac.uk
Rowett Research Institute,          |    http://www.rri.sari.ac.uk/~ajt
Greenburn Road, Bucksburn,          |   phone:+44 (0)1224 712751
Aberdeen AB21 9SB, Scotland, UK.    |     fax:+44 (0)1224 716687

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