[ubuntu-uk] sharing files- Gutsy2Xbox

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 15:04:45 GMT 2007

On Nov 15, 2007 2:33 PM, Javad Ayaz <javadayaz at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an xbox which ive connected to my media centre (in another room).
> How can i set up file sharing on this. Ive tried the sharing file option in
> the menu but for some reason it cannot be saved. i click on "share" and then
> ok...but when i go back in it will have disappeared!
> so how can i share files so i can play it through my XBC?

old xbox or 360?

If it's an older one, is it modded and running XBMC? If so, which
version of XBMC? My xbox mounts my PC's drives using SMB and it works

When one person suffers from a delusion it is insanity. When many
people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.

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