[ubuntu-uk] serious advice

norman norman at littletank.org
Wed Nov 14 11:51:40 GMT 2007

Lots of excellent advice, thank you. To make things quite clear my
granddaughter is cared for by my wife and myself so there is no distance
factor. She has a very good monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc so I was
contemplating buying just a box. If I got one the same as I use there
would be no compatibility problems and she has a wireless link via my
router for her internet needs. Additionally, she could have use of both
a laser printer for her text work and a colour printer for any arty
crafty stuff she wanted to do. 

As with lots of children the main difficulty to be overcome is being
able to fire her interest sufficiently so that she will enjoy sitting at
and using her computer. Without this, sitting on your own can be very
off putting. I would hope that with email, internet and interesting
software (she is already starting to be interested in Gimp) she will not
need windows.

Thanks again


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