[ubuntu-uk] serious advice

Dave Morley davmor2 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 10:07:54 GMT 2007

On Wed, 2007-11-14 at 09:50 +0000, norman wrote:
> I am contemplating buying my 9 year old granddaughter a new PC for
> Christmas. Presently, she has a fairly old PC and has been using Windows
> both at home and at school. (I hear cries of shame). She is of course
> familiar with Ubuntu when she uses my machine and it would be my
> intention to wean her onto Ubuntu on her new machine. Where I need
> advice is in selecting the best way to enable her to join in with her
> classmates, if and when she may need to, with regard to such things as
> educational games and suchlike which do not play on Linux.
> I know of Wine and Crossover Office but neither of these appear to be
> what is needed. So, fellow Ubuntu users, what would you advise an old
> codger to do.
> Norman
Why not install Ubuntu/Edubuntu in dual boot on the machine she already
has and ask her which she prefers?

A lot of the on line edu game run in flash which is available.  This
only leaves the cd based games.  Wine should run the majority of them as
they don't actual pull that much power from the system so why not try
them on your machine and when your happy that they work transfer them to
your daughters. 
Seek That Thy Might Know
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