[ubuntu-uk] My computer is running very very slowly

Kirrus kirrus at kirrus.co.uk
Tue Nov 13 21:49:11 GMT 2007

----- "London School of Puppetry" <lspinfo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, I have just completed an update- (partial) and the computer is 
> running very very slowly- any suggestions? why and what I can do about it?. 
> Caroline

Have you upgraded to gusty? If you have, there is a couple of new programs which will take up your cpu time for a little whilst they scan through all your files to index them. 

If your computer stays slow, or if you haven't upgraded to gutsy, whilst your computer is slow, please can you open a terminal, type the command "top", and then hit the letter "q". Copy and paste what is in that window into an email.
The command "top" lets you see all the things that are running on your computer at the moment, which will let us have a quick idea if something decided to steal all your computers resources.


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