[ubuntu-uk] memory lane, was: Please can someone look at this and try to help
Tony Travis
ajt at rri.sari.ac.uk
Mon Nov 12 20:34:20 GMT 2007
Sean Miller wrote:
> BBC Micro was a great machine... the ZX81 was somewhat more limited...
> don't get me wrong, it was my first home micro but it wasn't really up
> to any great programming challenges...
Hey, Sean!
I beg to differ - I wrote a self-hosting 6502 Small-C compiler for the
BBC Micro, with shared linraries and a (very) minimal "sh" in ROM:
My description of Small-C is plagiarised in many places on the internet!
> the BBC was a class act, whatever
> Sir Clive might tell you.
I bought the infamous Science of Cambridge 'MK14' SC/MP kit from him,
which could be used to control our local power station according to the
advert. Like many people, I was deceived into buying what I thought was
'Mark' 14 (i.e. version 14) of the kit. In fact the MK14 refers to the
post-code of the shed in Milton Keynes where the kits were packed up.
Took me a long time to get it working because the PCD had no solder
resist(!). I eventually found a tiny solder splash across two tracks and
ran "Super Bat Snatch!" in 512 bytes of 'expanded' memory.
> Some of my programming adventures on the BBC might still be referenced
> on the web somewhere, or perhaps not... with some school friends in the
> mid-eighties I created a bulletin board software that closely mimiced
> Prestel, it was called "Datahost+" I think... though I might be wrong,
> was a long time ago... water under the bridge etc. ;-)
It was a great machine: I had the BBC Micro Z80 second-processor running
CP/M then an 80186 running DRDOS + GEM. Tried the Archimedes, but traded
it in for an Amstrad PC1512 running Minix and I've never looked back :-)
Best wishes,
Dr. A.J.Travis, | mailto:ajt at rri.sari.ac.uk
Rowett Research Institute, | http://www.rri.sari.ac.uk/~ajt
Greenburn Road, Bucksburn, | phone:+44 (0)1224 712751
Aberdeen AB21 9SB, Scotland, UK. | fax:+44 (0)1224 716687
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