[ubuntu-uk] memory lane, was: Please can someone look at this and try to help

Jim Kissel jlk at osml.eu
Mon Nov 12 17:13:56 GMT 2007

Sean Miller wrote:
>> You're all really old, I cant remember before my familys 486 with DOS
>> 6.22 and win 3.11 for workgroups  (I was born in 1992!!) lol  I know
>> my Mum had a computer before that, but I cant remember it - I found
>> its dot matrix printer in the loft a while ago though.
> My daughter was born in 1994... now I feel old... :-(

My grand-daughter was 6 in 1994...now I feel very old...;-(

The ViewCom III was the greatest terminal ever built, though the ADM 3 
at $1,000 USD undercut it's market and killed it.

Will someone pass me a forms ruler?

> That said, no programmer should have been denied the privilege to program
> for 80x22 vt220 green screens... amazing how much wasted space there is
> these days... we used every single inch of those screens...
> Sean

People choose Microsoft Windows for their PC in the same manner
that the citizens of Soviet Russia elected the General Secretary
of the Communist Party during the cold war.

Jim Kissel
Open Source Migrations Limited
w: http://www.osml.eu
e: jim.kissel at osml.eu
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