[ubuntu-uk] Games with a Christmas theme

Adam Bagnall ajb35 at kent.ac.uk
Sat Nov 10 23:54:00 GMT 2007

Dianne Reuby wrote:
> We're planning a gamers day for Christmas at the Museum of Computing -
> we have quite a few games with a Christmas theme lined up for consoles,
> handhelds and Windows. I thought it would be an opportunity to show off
> Ubuntu both to our visitors and to my fellow volunteers.
> Can anyone recommend any Linux games with a Christmas theme? 
> Dianne
I second what others have said about tux racer, however planetpenguin 
racer is a more up to date version and is in the Ubuntu repositories. 
Supertux is a mario type platform game with a snowy theme. Tuxtype is a 
typing tutor type game also with a snowy theme and yet another snow 
themed game is frozen bubble. There are also games called snowballz 
(which I havent tried) and Icebreaker (which is quite basic).

One other thing to install is xsnow. It's not a game but displays 
snowflakes and santa on your background. Perfect for Christmas :)


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