[ubuntu-uk] explain this then

norman norman at littletank.org
Wed Nov 7 19:23:52 GMT 2007

On Wed, 2007-11-07 at 17:23 +0000, Chris Oattes wrote:
> norman said the following on 07/11/07 15:24:
> > I loaded a collection of photographs into an empty folder and, instead
> > of appearing as thumbnails, they appeared as icons which looked like a
> > sheet of printed paper with the top right hand corner turned down and a
> > clock at the bottom right hand corner with the hands at 5.00. I dragged
> > one of the icons onto the desktop, opened it with an image viewer and
> > the photograph duly appeared. After closing the image the icon was then
> > dragged back into the folder where it changed to a thumbnail. This
> > happened on every instance and I wonder why?
> > 
> > Norman
> > 
> > 
> I believe that the "clock" icon you are talking about means that the 
> system is "thinking" about it (i.e. Trying to generate the thumbnail) - 
> is the computer particularly slow, or is the collection of photos 
> particularly large? When I open a folder of 70 photos, the clock icon 
> appears for half a second before being replaced by the thumbnails. When 
> opening larger collections, the clocks are replaced one by one with 
> thumbnails.

That I can understand and accept and yes there are about 75 images in
the folder averaging about 1Mb each but they have been there now for
several days. In this particular case each image was saved from Gimp
having first been converted from Raw by UFraw. I have never ever seen
this happen in all my years using Ubuntu.


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