[ubuntu-uk] can someone point me in the right direction??

John Levin john at technolalia.org
Sun Nov 4 21:18:37 GMT 2007

Pascal Khoury wrote:
> Hi guys
> Hope everyone's well. I am new to the forum. I have installed Ubuntu on 
> my Dell Inspiron 6400, and I am trying to configure my screen resolution 
> with no success. The resolution is by default 1024x768, and this is too 
> small for my screen. I wonder if someone can help.
> Thanks
> Pascal

Hi Pascal, welcome to Ubuntu-UK.

The following page may be of help:
It suggests you will need to install the fglrx drivers

There's a list of install reports for Linux on Dells at:
where there are a few other Inspirons listed

If you still need help, please gve us some info on your graphics card 
(manufacturer, type, etc)



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