[ubuntu-uk] C/C++ Development

Dave Murphy dave at schwuk.com
Sun Nov 4 03:36:01 GMT 2007

On Thu, 2007-11-01 at 18:11 +0000, Jai Harrison wrote:
> Where is the best place to start with C/C++ development from a Linux
> (or GTK) perspective?

Unless you have a burning desire to hack on low level stuff, I wouldn't
bother with C/C++. Stick with a nice high level interpreted language
like Python or Ruby. Obviously Python is more extensively used for
desktop applications and I'd recommend it over Ruby for client apps
anyway, but either will allow you to quickly create applications with a
much gentler learning curve than C/C++.

If you need any pointers to get you started in this, contact me off

Dave Murphy - http://www.schwuk.com
Pownce - http://pownce.com/schwuk
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