[ubuntu-uk] [ADVERT] Ubuntu case badges

Jim Kissel jlk at osml.eu
Sat Nov 3 20:26:34 GMT 2007

Alan Pope wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a bunch of Ubuntu case badges which I am selling for 25p each.
> They are robust aluminium ones which can replace the Windows/Intel
> stickers you often find on laptops. They are bright & shiny and very
> sticky.
> This is what they look like:-
> http://linkpot.net/stonewall/
> If anyone is interested in one or more, please let me know via email. 

I'll take 20.  There might be someone interested on the Surrey LUG this 
coming weekend.

> Cheers,
> Al.

People choose Microsoft Windows for their PC in the same manner
that the citizens of Soviet Russia elected the General Secretary
of the Communist Party during the cold war.

Jim Kissel
Open Source Migrations Limited
w: http://www.osml.eu
e: jim.kissel at osml.eu
p: +44(0) 8703 301044
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