[ubuntu-uk] Promoting Ubuntu

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Fri Nov 2 14:56:13 GMT 2007

Quoting Gaurav Patel <patelgaurav at gmail.com>:

> Yep, Locustworld are the source of our mesh boxes (which are damn
> unstable right now, random reboots anyone?)
> We have a few problems where there are poor signal areas in the estate
> so we used to provide those nifty ethernet over powerline jobbys, but
> those are pretty lame and don't solve all the problems (we had the
> mesh boxes connected at the top of the tower blocks and then the
> network signal was injected into the electricity at the top)
> Right now we're piloting some Edimax wireless access points but
> pre-configured to act as a repeater as well.
> Go around to some charity organisations and simply ask if they're
> throwing any computer hardware out. You'll be amazed at what you'll
> find! Schools are worth trying aswell.

I did managed to get 15 K6/2 machines from a local school (who's IT  
guy was a member of my local LUG) which hopefully will be put into  
community centres as LTSP clients.  Another member of our local LUG  
works at the local council, they're currently disposing of P4 2GHz  
machines which we're trying to get hold of as not only would they be  
great for community centres, they'd make great Linux machines to give  
out like what you're doing.

I certainly think this is something some of the members of my local  
LUG might be interested in.


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