[ubuntu-uk] Promoting Ubuntu

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Fri Nov 2 12:52:57 GMT 2007

Quoting Gaurav Patel <patelgaurav at gmail.com>:

> People have heard of Windows but that's where it ends. They don't know
> better. However we had a lady come in a few weeks ago who came in with
> a Windows 2000 CD and asked us to install it and didn't even want to
> hear about Ubuntu.
> A couple which has mixed results. The wife is really eager to learn
> Ubuntu and has fully customized her desktop (different panels,
> rearranged icons, background wallpaper etc). She even found out how to
> install the necessary things to playback DVDs on the machine without
> asking us through the Internet! Little things, but I think it's
> amazing. The husband on the other hand! You can tell he just wants
> Windows on the machine and to forget about all about Ubuntu. =(
> Once they take their machines away we do say that they are more than
> welcome to pop into the shop every Wednesday and ask anything they
> want. So far, we haven't had anyone do that (as far as I know).
> We will be conducting a survey soon to find out exactly how well they
> are getting on with their boxes. The results will be interesting to
> say the least. As we don't know if they have completely removed our
> hard work that has gone into the boxes and whacked on Windows or just
> don't use the computers.

That's really interesting, just had a look at the site, I could think  
of a couple of areas in Devon which would possibly benefit from a  
scheme like this, the only problem we have is finding a local supply  
of old machines.

Is the free wireless internet access provided by those Locustworld  
Mesh boxes?  (sorry not really clued up on these Mesh networks).


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