[ubuntu-uk] Wireless Card for Feisty

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Mon May 21 11:18:16 BST 2007

On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 11:05:26AM +0100, Robin Hall wrote:
> I have installed ubuntu Feisty Fox on a fairly ancient Toshiba laptop.  
> I would now  like to install a wireless card on it.  So, could anybody 
> tell me   which, if any, cards  yield the minimum of grief when one 
> attempts to configure them to work with Ubuntu.

Here's how I found a list.

Type "wifi" in the search box.
Click WiFiHowto which takes me to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamWiFi
This redirects to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo
There is a link "Also check this list of WiFi cards that are 

Which links to this big-ass list of cards.


Hope that helps.


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