[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu: install

Neil Greenwood neil.greenwood.lug at gmail.com
Thu May 10 21:58:14 BST 2007

On 08/05/07, Gregory Kirby <Gregory at 1sthome.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Tried to install Ubunutu to a spare 80gb Seagate drive.
> Gave up. First off couldn't see anything. Then sussed to select a basic
> screen def and then we got going. However the drive wasn't spotted so I
> couldn't get past the drive partition option.

Hi Gregory,

This is interesting. What version of Ubuntu did you try? Were you
using the live CD installer? If so, raising a bug and including the
details of your Seagate drive would help ensure it was detected in
future. Looking in the System menu, Administration sub-menu and
clicking the Disks item should open a utility that will show what hard
disks Ubuntu has identified.

Some more details about exactly what you did, and in what order, might
help us to help you out.

> Back to Bill and Ben and dual boot. 2nd defrag done.
> Wish me luck!

Good luck.


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