[ubuntu-uk] BooHoo Yahoo

TheVeech theveech at gmail.com
Tue May 8 01:25:51 BST 2007

On Sun, 2007-05-06 at 14:16 +0100, Stephen Morrish wrote:
> The complete Google group of services are good.

Hi Stephen.  Yes, they are (the Gbutts FF extension is pretty useful -
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3576 - esp. with dropdown
menu, horizontal).

I don't want to install Picasa, but the web interface for it
(http://picasaweb.google.com/home) is good.  I've just started using
F-Spot again, and this works with Picasa on the Web.  The Picasa app is
good, but unnecessary with F-Spot's functions doing the job.

Beyond that, I might actually start using my webspace, with some FLOSS
apps, even though this isn't as immediately 'social'.

Probable solution:
Drupal (http://drupal.org/)
'Gallery' Drupal Module (http://drupal.org/project/gallery)
Gallery (http://gallery.menalto.com/)

>  Some of the programs
> do work nativly under Linux with some exceptions. It's a shame about
> Gtalk, but you can't have everything...

What do you mean - you can't get it to work?  Have you tried configuring
(http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?answer=24073) for

>  I use several PC's running
> different OS's, Googles browser sync is a real boon. I would be lost
> without the spell checker in Google tool bar. I use Gmail as my
> default email these days because of the multiple computers. I used to
> use Yahoo for all of these tasks but in the last year or so Google has
> become the centre of my on-line life.

I use Gmail, too, and it's excellent.  I did start to use other Google
features, but don't want to rely on one service supplier for too many

> -- 
> Regards Steve Morrish...
> AKA Pendragon
> ICQ 112 044 096
> On 5/6/07, Josh Blacker <jkblacker at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Google's Picasa is quite good in my experience (and have an ubuntu
> > client running under an integrated, tweaked wine), but doesn't offer
> > nearly as many of the features of Flickr, I'm afraid, but its
> > desktop-web integration is useful.
> >
> > Josh

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