[ubuntu-uk] Dell Linux Survey (until 23rd March)

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Thu Mar 15 15:06:40 GMT 2007

Dave Ewart wrote:
> On Thursday, 15.03.2007 at 09:29 +0000, alan c wrote:
>> Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
>>> On 14/03/07, Benjamin Webb <bjwebb67 at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 14/03/07, alan c <aeclist at candt.waitrose.com> wrote:
>>>>> Let Dell know what you want and how you want it! 
>>>>> http://www1.euro.dell.com/content/topics/global.aspx/corp/linux?s=corp
>>>>>  --
>>>> Done - seen it on digg and someone raised a point - we just
>>>> have to hope this isn't simply a ploy for getting better
>>>> deals with microsoft
>>> Even if it is, it eats into Microsoft profits.
>> I read that ms run the business with sufficient reserves to
>> continue even if they had no income at  all for a period of two
>> years.
> This gives an interesting slant on this that I had not considered 
> before: http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/03/14/1417245
> One of the points made is that, under a Windows pre-install,
> various companies pay to have other software included (trial
> versions of Norton AV and so on) that have a net effect of
> subsidising the cost of the PC. One claim is that this is enough to
> counter-act the cost of the Windows OEM licence and, as a result, a
> Linux PC (or a "no OS at all" PC) will as a result be more
> expensive than a Windows PC.
> So, in hardware cost terms, it may still really be cheaper for
> customers who ultimately want Linux to just buy the Windows PC and
> then wipe off Windows, together with all the other trial software
> that includes.

Yes, and this is the reason why I have generally made the point that
it is compatible hardware - with linux friendly drivers - that is
important, not so much the pre installation, or the support or lack
of it from the vendor etc.

(Although if pre installation did happen it is better in many ways)

Kubuntu user#10391
Linux user #360648

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