[ubuntu-uk] **SPAM** UKSkills - Update

Chris Wright linux-list at cwic-solutions.co.uk
Tue Mar 6 16:42:29 GMT 2007

Dave Lamb wrote:

> We're starting to get some positive feedback now from the UKSkills wiki 
> page - A huge Thank You to all those that have entered their details. 
> Please remember, the more detail you put, the easier it is for someone 
> to find you!
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Skills?action=show&redirect=UKSkills 
> > 

Just had a look at that page, seems a great idea.
Since I've only just joined this list, I am going to lurk for a bit 
until get a feel of the place.
I've come over from the Fedora-List at Redhat (having installed Ubuntu 
for quite a few people of late. I thought it was time I had a look at 
what lists were available for it).

Once I've got the look and feel of the group, I'll add my details to 
your page.

Hope you lot are a friendly lot.
Seems fairly low traffic at the moment and not too much SN/R



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