[ubuntu-uk] installing SATA hard drives?

Dave Ewart davee at sungate.co.uk
Tue Mar 6 09:51:07 GMT 2007

On Tuesday, 06.03.2007 at 09:44 +0000, Llywelyn Owen wrote:

> On 06/03/07, Eamonn Sullivan <eamonn.sullivan at gmail.com> wrote: .
> Ubuntu simply won't see the drives at all.
> >
> > -Eamonn
> Er...do you mean the live CD won't see the SATA drives or an install
> won't? Ubuntu (Dapper and Edgy) does see my SATA drives, Windows XP
> did not without a floppy drive and drivers to interrupt the install
> routine.

If the live CD sees the disks, then they should be picked up by the
installer no problem.  

If the live CD *cannot* see the disks, then you will probably have
trouble installing.  

The feature of "being able to see the disks" relates to the Linux kernel
in use: typically this is the same in the 'live' environment as for the
installed system.


Dave Ewart - davee at sungate.co.uk - jabber: davee at jabber.org - freenode: davee
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