[ubuntu-uk] installing SATA hard drives?

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Mon Mar 5 22:15:25 GMT 2007

Eamonn Sullivan wrote:
> On 3/5/07, alan c <aeclist at candt.waitrose.com> wrote:
>> I have not had any sata hard drives yet at all. My harware is various
>> an dusualy a bit old.
>> What is the situation with sata drives and  installs of (K)Ubuntu? is
>> there any kind of complication  or difference from the way ata hard
>> drives install? any need for initial install of anything?
> I've been using SATA drives since Breezy, but the last two systems
> I've built had Intel motherboards. I have heard problems occasionally
> with various chipsets. Ironically, I ran into an issue with good-old
> IDE in the last system I built last weekend (a dual-core server with a
> relatively recent motherboard using the 965 Express chipset), while
> the SATA part worked fine. I can't make any promises, but in general
> they have worked for me.

what sort of problems occur - drives not recognised or what? are there 
ways to work around problems or are you stuck with them?
alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391

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