[ubuntu-uk] Are you blocked in China?

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Sun Jun 24 00:56:49 BST 2007

On Sun, 2007-06-24 at 00:28 +0100, Chris Rowson wrote:
> I know a lot of the members of this list have blogs, and so I thought
> you might be interested in this tool.
> http://www.greatfirewallofchina.org/test/
> This shows you whether or not your website is blocked by the 'great
> firewall of China' (As I'm sure you're aware, the Chinese government
> blocks its citizens access to certain websites)
> I was surprised to find that my site at www.justuber.com/blog was blocked!

It says "Your URL is blocked" and then "The version, 1.0 may report
sites as being 'blocked' while there are only technical reasons for
their unavailability. Read the about page for more info."

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