[ubuntu-uk] suck it and see

Mark Jose kernowyon at kernowyon.co.uk
Thu Jun 21 22:43:17 BST 2007

On Thursday 21 June 2007 20:27, Ian Pascoe wrote:

> In fact here's a challenge for you all to do on those rainy evenings.  Get
> Orca up and running - it's part of the Gnome desktop from 6.06 onwards -
> turn your monitors off, no cheating now, and have a go at doing some of
> your normal tasks to see what I mean.  The voices are fun to play with as
> well if you're running Fiesty.  And you may actually find it useful to have
> the text to speech engine running as you write as it's a dam site easier to
> spot spelling mistakes as you're using two different parts of the brain.

A most interesting mail Ian. To familiarise myself with the issues I decided 
to take up the challenge of installing gnome-orca!
To slightly complicate matters, I use Kubuntu, but I managed to install the 
program without any obvious problems.
Annoyingly, it has fallen at the first hurdle - attempting to launch either 
orca or orca-setup results in errors being listed on the command line. 
Although I am sure I can sort those for my own use, it would perhaps cause a 
partially sighted user (or indeed a fully sighted, but new to Linux user) to 
give up before they had started. 
I will check if these issues have been flagged up to the project already 
before I begin sorting them out.


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