[ubuntu-uk] Linux Jobs (was Re: Buying from and supporting Linux Hardware Suppliers)

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Thu Jun 21 09:49:23 BST 2007

Quoting Chris Rowson <christopherrowson at gmail.com>:

>> I'm officially going to be "Technical Manager" for Cariss (   
>> http://www.cariss.co.uk/ ) dealing with Sales, consultancy and   
>> implementation of CCTV, Desktops, LTSP and similar things for   
>> anyone in Thanet/Kent/the wider world who is interested!
>> Finally, I'll be able to have Beryl on my work desktop... ;o)
>> Matt.
> Well done Matt :-)
> It's got to beat the hell out of supporting Windows for a living! -

That's what I'm hoping - I'm supporting windows at the moment and it's a PITA!

> Now, if only I could find something like that :-D

Ask your LUG ( http://www.lug.org.uk/ ) if anyone's got any thing  
going.  That's what I did and it worked for me!  Alternatively, run a  
local SFD event and invite as many local companies as possible to it,  
one of them might employ you!

Where are you based at the moment?


Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
Group Co-Ordinator
Thanet Linux User Group
matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
GPG KEY: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xFEA1BC16

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