[ubuntu-uk] Marketing efforts and leaflets

Matthew Larsen mat.larsen at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 01:50:44 BST 2007

Hey chris

I agree - a lot of what i read on the interweb about trying to get
people to switch are people who patronise the user a lot. Things like
flashy interfaces etc is why they stick with windows. This needs to


On 20/06/07, Chris Rowson <christopherrowson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> This message has been posted to Ubuntu-UK & Ubuntu Marketing because
> I'm hoping that there are people subscribed to both lists with
> thoughts on this subject.
> With Software Freedom Day around the corner (September 15th) I've been
> pondering upon the subject of how to reel in the punters.  I'm
> guessing that SFD 2007 will be accompanied by many a cheerful free
> software advocate out on the streets punting the benefits of using
> Ubuntu to the average Joe and Jane, and I'm thinking that a concerted
> marketing effort to underpin this can only help make these advocates
> more successful.
> We've talked about leaflets at Ubuntu-UK, and between us have come up
> with a couple of things that are not half bad. I think that the most
> important thing that I've learnt so far though is that there are a lot
> things we take for granted that Joe and Jane mightn't think about.
> Why is this important?
> I think we need to understand Joe and Jane a little better to be able
> to flog Ubuntu to them. Take a look at the 'selling interview' for
> instance:
> http://perso.orange.fr/pgreenfinch/mkting/mkting14
> The most important steps which underpin the entire process are
> understanding the customer, asking questions, clarifying, I think that
> the author mentions elsewhere 'falling in love with the customer a
> little bit!'. Sometimes it feels to me a little bit like we're jumping
> straight in a the deep end, without doing this preparation work.
> If we can develop a good profile of Joe and Jane and deliver marketing
> aimed entirely at them, and not what we think they want (or what we'd
> like to deliver ourselves) I reckon we might be able to sell Ubuntu a
> little better.
> Comments, opinions or ways to take this forward anyone?
> Chris
> --
> ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UKTeam/

Matthew G Larsen
   > mat.larsen at gmail.com
   > +44(0)7739 785 249

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