[ubuntu-uk] Buying from and supporting Linux Hardware Suppliers

Kirrus kirrus at kirrus.co.uk
Wed Jun 20 19:14:18 BST 2007

----- "Chris Rowson" <christopherrowson at gmail.com> wrote:
> > As dell are refusing to sell Linux-based computers outside of the
> US
> > (even the redhat/SLED servers seem to only be sold over there), can
> > someone supply me with contact details (a website will do nicely!)
> of
> > a company that are preferably based in the UK and supply
> > servers/desktops that will run linux or come pre-installed with
> Linux?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Matt.


http://www.encryptec.net do a workstation, and we also do server solutions - full SME computer systems (Thin Client or Fat Client) based around Ubuntu. Redundancy/level of network integration as required. (I must declare a personal interest here though: I work for Encryptec).



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