[ubuntu-uk] Buying from and supporting Linux Hardware Suppliers

norman norman at littletank.org
Wed Jun 20 17:27:28 BST 2007

> I'm about to start a job in the real-world (after having been forced  
> to use Windows, I get to sell, support and consult on Linux from the  
> 2nd July!) and one of the things I will need as part of my job is a  
> solid supplier of hardware that I know will run linux and run it well.
> As dell are refusing to sell Linux-based computers outside of the US  
> (even the redhat/SLED servers seem to only be sold over there), can  
> someone supply me with contact details (a website will do nicely!) of  
> a company that are preferably based in the UK and supply  
> servers/desktops that will run linux or come pre-installed with Linux?

Best of luck in your new job. There are, of course, suppliers of
computers who sell them without pre-installed systems. Perhaps one of
those could be interested. I have had excellent service from World of
Computers who are in Cambridge.


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