[ubuntu-uk] Leaflets

Louisa Parry louisa at louisaparry.co.uk
Mon Jun 18 17:40:32 BST 2007

On Mon, 2007-06-18 at 16:46 +0100, Matthew Larsen wrote:
> Firstly thanks for the spelling mistake point-outs, however we are
> only at the initial stages of making this thing and havn't even
> decided on its content yet so I am personally forgiving any mistakes
> like that until we have a final draft.

I see your point but thought it was getting to its final stages so worth
chipping in with the minor corrections - it didn't cost me anything to
do so and I thought it would be better having the niggles fixed now
before people start to fork it for their own leaflet ideas.

I also think it might be an idea to mark it (and other leaflets in a
similar state) as a draft on the wiki so random strangers don't come
across them and treat them as final products.

-Louisa :)

Louisa Parry <louisa at louisaparry.co.uk>

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